GiantDayGecko.com is a private breeding and research facility in South Florida. Since 1993, we have supplied
our customers with the finest captive-bred Giant Day Geckos available. In 2003, due to our obsession with
Giant Day Geckos, we moved to South Florida to be able to house our collection outdoors year-round. Without
space or weather constraints, and cleaning and maintenance chores minimized, we can easily and successfully maintain
a huge colony. . GiantDayGecko.com
dedicates a significant portion of its profits to conducting research. The owner, employees, and volunteers of
GiantDayGecko.com are involved in multiple studies and research projects concerning the Giant Day Gecko, Phelsuma grandis. These include some basic science, field, and pharmacological
studies. . GiantDayGecko.com believes that a combined approach
of field (in-situ) research plus captive
(ex-situ) breeding efforts is the most effective way to raise awareness and support species habitat conservation.
Giant Day Geckos are native to Madagascar. Unfortunately, this island nation is in an environmental emergency with less than 10% of its forest intact. . Through this website, we strive to expose
reptile collectors to the Giant Day Gecko and facilitate a greater understanding of how to care for this outstanding

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